Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wonder Girls - Nobody

Recently I noticed most of the Wedding Videos I come across using a Song named Nobody. At that point i find that music is kind of cute, but did not pay much attention to it.

Till today i keep hearing most of the retail shops i walked pass, i just keep hearing this song... at this moment, i was telling myself this song is really quite popular and i decided to find out more information from one of my colleague. She told me only one word which is AWESOME! I was like HUH? She insisted me to go YouTube to see their MV and I say OK..

15Min's ago i looked for wonder girls in YouTube, and saw the original MV and was surprised overall the tempo, rhythm etc.. and of cause not to forget their dance move. I somehow agreed that this is a very nice song, and also the ladies are pretty too.

I know this blog i created was suppose to be just for my Photography, but after listening to their song: Nobody i just cannot resist to write on this blog!